another tuesday

Tuesday Afternoon
I'm just beginning to see
Now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me
Chasing the clouds away

 ..calls to me
The Trees are drawing me near
I've got to find out why.

[When very young I waited for Mom and Dad's shopping at the supermarket to get the missing item for that evenings supper I waited in the car  scanning the am airwaves. I loved the Beatle's ballads and romances, but they were in short supply on the top 40s popularity list. The dial would be spinning like a 45. One night filled particularily to the brim with teenage angst, Moody blues days of future past was playing on a local station. With the word's 'something calls to me my spirit soared to distant realms. It was all like wilderness in the mountains to me. Later working in the big city at a dreary photolab the theme would reappear with an angelic like visitation.]

It was just another Tuesday, seemingly like any other. Cornflakes, commute, work. I arose before the sun. All seemed fine but there was a pinch of uneasiness in the air. Things didn't seem quite normal. For one, the baby slept all night. The milk in my cereal was not only unusually cold, it was fresh and crisp. I really enjoyed it. And the fragrances that morning, a fruity flower spice, laden with someones burning creosote. Someone's fire I told myself.

The moist night air was yet to be broken by the sweltering golden dawn. The engines starter turned labriously. I was running late. The horizon began its showy display with an unusually bright iridescent red. Sailors take warning I mumbled to the trancing beat of Madonna's material girl rhythms. I passed two cars with no drivers. Not a good sign.

I slyly snuck in the photolab, and exposed,  greeted my employer who seemed a bit under the weather, and not particularily happy of my tardiness, grabbed the days work and dissapeared into the darkroom. Just another Tuesday. -From My: Notes From Under a Safelight

The rediscovery-of-the magic of the world under the debris of modem ideas.  -saul bellow

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